As an entrepreneur, you will experience various obstacles with varying levels of complexity business . For example, have you ever felt that your industry is not growing significantly even after so many years? Have you ever felt that you have worked hard, but are not getting the results you want and find it difficult to meet your goals? Have you used an ERP Application to improve your business? It’s time for you to improve your business strategy, one of which is by practicing SMART Goals procedures. This procedure can be tried by using an ERP application with complete features to facilitate the implementation of SMART Goals.
SMART is for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This procedure is an efficient process to determine and achieve your business goals. Using the SMART Goals method will help you set specific and realistic goals and measure the industry’s progress towards them. For that, the use of this method is very important, because it can help you achieve business goals, so that it will make it easier for you to improve the business.
As time has gone by, the SMART code has gone beyond just one definition. Many people familiarize the description of each factor from the acronym with their own needs, and some even make some of the bonus criteria. But, of course, the point is not far from the original definition. On the basis of this is the interpretation of the smart goals as well as the implementation method of each of the SMART procedure factors:
Specific( special)
Specific goals have a greater chance of being achieved. So, determine the things you want to achieve specifically by using the 5W+ 1H principles. From the start, you must have a detailed picture of that goal. For example, who is involved in achieving it, when should the goal be achieved, what do you want to achieve, what obstacles are likely to arise, where is the achievement process taking place, why do you want to achieve these things, and what are the methods to make it happen .
Measurable (measurable)
Setting measurable goals makes them clearer and easier to achieve. You can also use it as a reference in evaluating progress. Set some short-term goals as part of long-term goals so that the process of achieving them doesn’t feel heavy and increases the sense of accomplishment for everyone involved.
Attainable (can be achieved)
In setting goals, you must be in the middle between dreaming big and thinking realistically. Goals that you can achieve within a certain time will keep you focused and motivated. Think about what you need to achieve it. Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of your current business, then find ways to maintain its strengths and improve its weaknesses.
Relevant (relevant)
Relevance means focusing on your business objectives in totality. Any goals you set should align with the industry’s values and long-term goals. Ask yourself, does this goal really matter? If you manage to achieve it, will it have a significant impact on the growth of the industry? How does that contribute to your long term goals? Before communicating goals to many people, you must have definite answers to these questions.
Time-bound (time adrift)
It would be easy for you to say, “Industry productivity will increase by 20 percent.” However, these goals are of no use without a clear time frame. Without knowing it, you’ll be procrastinating on important matters and neglecting work because there’s no deadline for you to meet. Means for you to determine realistic deadlines. Consider how long it will take to do any work and add extra time to your timeline to estimate the contingencies.